For the most part, local TV station websites stink. I mean really stink to high heaven. Why do I say that? Well, because I spent a lot of time working with local TV and I saw the digital train wreck, up close.
Where do I start?
#1. TV still makes a lot of money selling spots. That’s the main reason why their web efforts are lame. Why sell web? TV still rakes in the cash.
#2. The newsroom controls most sites. Thinks page views & Facebook fans are important metrics to success. Salaried execs running sites = dumb.
#3. Too many Local TV stations outsource big portions of their sales to Google, Yahoo, DataSphere, etc. Local reps lose control of local client.
#4. Expensive & clunky, content management systems ( CMS )
#5. Compensation of management & reps still out of whack to sell web.
Enjoy this fine video: