DownbeachBUZZ is almost 10 yrs old. Our hyper-local content platform, powered by WordPress, still going strong after all these years.
Covering news and info for Ventnor, Margate, Longport, NJ.
Atlantic City is right next door.
Video. Podcasts. Aggregation. Email Newsletters. Web Development. Small Business Consulting.
Local NEWS radio along the shore is lacking. Ventnor, Margate, Longport. Three South Jersey shore towns with no weekly newspapers.
The corporate player, Press of AC still hanging on. Only publishing printed version 3x per week. They mail it too. Yikes.
With the help of WordPress, we built the future of local news and info.

Fastest growing source of online news and info for Ventnor, Margate and Longport, NJ.
Since 2015, our local team tracks news & info of interest to Downbeach residents, visitors and business owners.
DownbeachBUZZ content targets adults, ages 25-65 yrs of age, a consumer group that’s more likely to follow Real Estate trends, attend concerts, shops and enjoys local restaurants.
Subscribers rely on DownbeachBUZZ for local news and info. This is especially important during the off-season when a majority of residents head back to Philly or Florida.