Local TV is in our digital cross hairs this month. Click thru to watch a ONLINE MEDIA KIT review of TV station in Nashville.
It’s true. Most broadcasters still stumble with online sales and digital strategy. That’s a fact most TV managers will never admit. But with private equity firms snapping up local Newspaper, TV and Radio properties, we think they’ll be laser focused on rooting out all the inefficiencies and foot draggers from their newly acquired assets….ASAP.
Don’t believe that? We offer you these videos. These critique clips are a walk in the park compared to the deep cavity search that will absolutely happen once an outside investor takes control of your local media property. Bank on that.
That’s why we urge you to watch our videos. Read our posts. Mel Taylor Media is a glimpse into your local media future. We have no filter. We’re not connected to a vendor or local media association / consultancy.
We don’t speak at many conferences due to fear of our PULL NO PUNCHES style. But that’s OK. This Internet thing can reach FAR more people than a typical media conference….at 99% less cost.
Need someone to turn around your failing online business model? Need someone to vet a property you’re thinking about buying? Need to uncover BS inside your digital org?
Contact us. We’re here to help those who are serious about online revenue. WATCH VIDEO.