Here’s some of the digital hardware and software we use to manage our Hyper-Local News & Marketing company. As of Dec. 2, 2022.
Well-tested by me. Recommended. Great quality at nice price. Companies with excellent track record, great customer service too.
It’s the magic behind websites like:
Hosting: Cloudways & WPengine
Website theme / Platform / CMS: WordPress. Astra. Elementor. Gutenberg. Spectra. Bricks.
Audio Editing: Hindenburg
Video Capture & Editing: Camtasia
Primary Social Media: Twitter $8
Image Creation: Canva
Live Streaming and Video recording platform: Streamyard
Primary video hosting: Vimeo
Podcast service: Blubrry
Audio Posts: Twitter SPACES
Mixing board, Audio Interface: RODECASTER PRO II
Mic: RE320, Mic Arm: RODE
IDEA Collecting: Google KEEP (free) and Evernote (paid)
Voice to Text: Google KEEP.
Email marketing: Mailer-lite
Video camera: Elgato Face Cam