Another RAB Radio Show is here. The show started on September 19 in Dallas, Texas. Some wonder if the delay in digital sales and revenue success will take on it’s usual, subdued role at this annual event.
As usual, the RAB RADIO SHOW agenda is filled with many the same topics, lead by the same broadcasters, with a few web managers & digital gurus thrown in for good measure. With Radio in last place…. when it comes to local market share of digital dollars….many wonder when the RAB will look to outsiders for help.
We all have great respect for broadcast veterans like Dan Mason and Lew Dickey. Yet, most certainly don’t want to hear them talk about online strategy and web revenue. That’s not their strong suit. We would much prefer they stick to topics they’re really good at: price to earnings ratios, right-sizing, and investment strategy.
The one topic that the new RAB President; Erica Farber, will likely NOT discuss…. is how local business is being courted aggressively by companies like Google. ( Watch the ‘Google for Local Business’ video below )
Does the RAB or NAB ( National Association of Broadcasters ) inform it’s membership of stuff like this? They should.
Fast and accurate updates about Radio’s competition…especially non-traditonal competitors like Google, Reach Local and other local websites, should be a top priority for Erica and the Radio Advertising Bureau.
On Wednesday, October 17, the Austin Chamber of Commerce is putting on WEB 101 for Local Texas Business event with Google. Wish we could make it, but it’s already filled up and registration is closed.
Local Radio must not lose access to the SMB; the small & medium sized business. Local business is the life-blood of the small and mid-size broadcaster.
Radio employees should take note of all new competitors in the marketplace. HINT: it’s not just the local cable company or newspaper.
Watch the short video clip below. This will fine tune your BS detector for this years’ RAB Radio Advertising Bureau show.