Basic & Advanced Web Sales. Turn your sales reps into confident ‘multi-media consultants’. Our sessions feature: overcoming common objections, cross platform solutions, sales call prep, packaging & bundling, social/mobile/video, taking share from competing media, adding proof of performance to programs, basic banner design & creative strategy, etc.
Web Business 101 for Programming & Marketing. When content producers, marketing departments & webmasters understand basic online business models…..they’re more likely to create sites & digital initiatives that are advertiser-friendly & profitable.
Web Strategy for Owners & Management. Sessions feature: Which digital opportunities should you pursue? Making best decisions based on market, resources & overall company strategy. Compensation, job descriptions, outsourcing & automation, vendors and workflow. We identify and remove the many Web revenue ‘choke points’ inside your operation. We’ll help maximize your current efforts, reduce web-related expenses and help you quickly grow top line digital & traditional sales.
Web Management for GSM’s & LSM’s. Easy steps that keep team’s focus on selling the core product, while growing web revenue. Online inventory management & yield optimization, pricing & package development, content management and ad serving systems. Making money with Social, Email, Video, Mobile, Streaming & Search.
The NEW, Local Online Competitors. How to position & wins against the traditional & new online players. We explore the strength and weakness of Google, FaceBook, Reach Local, DataSphere, Pandora & others. Also review of web tactics of traditional competitors: Cable, Yellow Pages, Newspaper & TV.
‘Web Marketing 101 for Local Business’ Seminars. Local advertisers buy more web when they’re comfortable with the basics of online marketing. Seminars provide superior lead generation, training for advertisers & sales reps, while simultaneously putting immediate web revenue on the books.
For Webmasters, content managers & developers: Search engine optimization, webs design, layout, navigation & functionality, writing and producing for web. Common mistakes to avoid.