Publisher: ACprimetime, DownbeachBUZZ, BrigantineNOW
Director of Online Sales: FOX-29 TV, Phila.
Sales Director: WorldNow; 250 websites
Regional Web Mgr; Clear Channel Radio
Director of Online Sales: PhillyBurbs.com
TV Talent, Producer: CBS-TV3 , MTV, WPHL-17
Radio Sales; Clear Channel & CBS, Phila.
Philly born & bred communicator, story-teller, strategist, seller of ideas. Attended Drexel and Temple University. Created cool name (Mel Toxic) to get job at Philadelphia Radio station.
15 years as on-air DJ. Hosted & produced live events, TV features & sales promotions. Then, one day, realizing I was no longer 21, I eventually worked my way into sales, marketing, training and this new thingy called the Internet.
As Radio declined, I jumped to Newspaper. Print was more desperate for digital re-invention. A great place to help re-invent local news media.
After a 3 years of helping Newspaper sales and news teams leverage digital, I was lured by the big bucks over to TV. I was offered the Digital Director position at Fox-29 in Philadelphia.
I took the leap away from traditional 9 to 5 local media gigs. In 2007, Mel Taylor Media was launched. A few years later, we re-branded as ‘Get Smart Digital’.
In addition to helping local business, municipalities, politicians and media companies, we’re still deeply involved in the re-invention local media. Get Smart Digital manages 3, very successful, hyper-local websites in the Atlantic City and South Jersey region, reaching 135,000 readers each month.
Learning the WordPress online publishing platform and other digital tools has really paid off. I apply this knowledge when helping my clients. This is the not-so-secret formula of our still growing success.