One of the biggest names in Philly radio, MEL TOXIC burst onto the music scene in 1983. After college radio stint on 91.7 WKDU at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Mel landed his first pro broadcast job at WIFI-92.
WIFI; the former Top 40 station, was renamed: I-92 ‘Rock of the 80’s. It featured up n coming artists that the other lame stations would touch: Duran Duran, Devo, Adam & The Ants, and The Ramones to name a few.
The station needed a big personality to present the hot, new sound. Listeners were sick of hearing ‘Stairway to Heaven’ and the stupidity of DeBella’s Morning Zoo. Mel Toxic to the rescue.
WPST, WDRE, and WYSP were other Philadelphia stations that rocketed in the ratings with the help of the Toxic Avenger.
Mel Toxic is now better known as Mel Taylor of Mel Taylor Media, a leading Internet consultancy. Mel specializes in digital strategies for local business and municipalities. See GetSmartDigital.com
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Mel Toxic ON-AIR Experience
1999-2001 Clear Channel: Q-102, ALICE 104.5 Phila.
• P/T Morning Show, Swing and weekends.
• CHR, Rock AC formats
1995-98 CBS Radio: WYSP, Rock Phila.
• On-Air Talent. Mid-days on Philadelphia’s #1 Rock Station.
• Local Music Director, creator and producer of the area’s premiere original, unsigned music showcase; “Loud n Local”.
1992-95 WDRE Radio: Alternative & Modern Rock Phila.
• Assistant Program Director / Music Coordinator Oversee and direct all local music programming and content.
• On-Air Talent
1989-92 WPST Radio: CHR / Top 40 Trenton / Phila.
• On-Air talent ; 7-midnight
• Creator/ Programmer/ Music Director/ Host. of area’s first Modern Rock program: “Post Modern PST”.
1982-83 WIFI I-92 Rock of the 80’s Phila.
• On-Air talent ; Afternoon Drive
• WLIR, Long Island: Alternative
• WMGM, Atlantic City: AOR
• MTV, On-Air Talent; VJ
The jailhouse at Cavanaughs on Drexel campus. You rocked it into the 80s and 90s.