Hyper-Local News and Marketing Update Spring 2019
We started our hyper local news and marketing journey back in 2007. While attending a NYC conference, speaker Jeff Jarvis asked me what my website address was. Uh-oh. Don’t have

Best Practices for Hyper-Local Website and Marketing Success in 2019
Back in 2007 when we launched our digital marketing consultancy, local newspaper and radio were still fairly successful. While both of thee traditional media platforms were ramping up their internet

You’ve Been Warned. Over-Reliance on Facebook Could Kill Your Business.
We know far too many businesses that do 99% of their marketing and advertising….using Facebook and other Social Media sites. Geez. It’s insane to build a business on land you

Old School Email Marketing. More Important, More Effective Than Ever.
It’s not sexy, but good old-fashioned email is still the most effective way to communicate and market online. Fans of Twitter, Facebook and YouTube understandably don’t agree. What’s not to

Jeff Jarvis, CUNY. Hyper Local News and Revenue. Looking Back.
Back in 2009, J-school professor; Jeff Jarvis, and Mark Potts of BackFence fame, asked me to contribute some online sales expertise to their ongoing research in hyper-local business models for

Newspapers Had Plenty of Warning. Could Have Been Local Online Powerhouses
Back in 2009, I was invited to moderate a panel at a newspaper conference in Hershey, Pa. The session was called: Best Practices of Successful Local Media Companies. For the